I am a psychic. When I do my readings I use angelic assistance and I like to use the tarot with my readings but it really is not necessary as I am able to perform psychic readings without the cards. I also have the ability to communicate with those that have passed over. This has been quite a blessing to me to have helped so many people realize our loved ones are always around us.
By having helped people through my readings and life coaching I came to the realization that this is truly my calling in life. Being able to have a job where I am doing what I love helping people heal their emotional pain and move forward in their life to achieve their goals is a dream come true. I am living my dream and that is truly a gift from God.
I was asked to write an article for a New York magazine called Stop and Style NYC Amanda Hudson asked me about being psychic where did it come from, how did I know I was psychic and what's it like? I thought I would share my response with all of you so that you could get to know me a little better. The following is my response:
I believe I have always been psychic, I think all people are born with psychic ability and some people just have it more strongly then others. I happened to be one of those people. The problem is we are taught to suppress it; thankfully people are becoming more enlightened about psychic ability in this day and age.
When I was growing up we were told by our parents as children “you did not see that”, “stop making things up”, “that is just your imagination.” But what if you did see that, you weren’t making things up and it wasn’t your imagination?
I think our parents repeated those things to their children because of what they were taught as children themselves and it was passed on from generation to generation.
My theory is it probably started in the olden days out of fear in case they would be thought of as witches or demons, something negative or bad and would be outcast or worse burned at the stake. Thank God we have evolved.
Regardless, I was told those same things but, I had embedded in my genetic makeup a rebellious spirit. I knew what I saw and what I thought and felt was indeed the truth. I pretended to be “normal” on the outside and had my own experience and reality on the inside that I just learned to deal with on my own and not talk about to people that were uncomfortable with my “imaginations” thereby, allowing me to function as a “normal” child.
This made me miserable growing up and in my early adult life I made a lot of bad decisions that caused me to try to get rid of the side of me that was supposed to not exists but became more and more insistent to surface. It is kind of like being gay but hiding it and not coming out of the closet.
In my thirty’s I found out people like me were opening up about being psychic and the paranormal. Up until that point all I knew was what I had been taught in a strict Baptist religion. There I and was taught that it was wrong, something mysterious and bad, a tool of the devil.
Now please don’t think I am condemning religion I am not. I have a strong spiritual belief and I am a Christian I am not a Baptist simply because I believe a different way then that faith I am spiritual not religious. I am non denominational by choice as my spiritual belief goes and I do believe that religion/belief is a personal choice for you to figure out what God is to you. I would never pressure anyone to believe exactly how I do God finds His way to you in His own way. That is why there are so many different faiths and churches for you to find what suites your spirit.
When I was 32 my first experience with admitting my psychic ability happened when I went to Jamaica with several of my friends. While, there I met a shaman (another term for psychic/holy man) I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame he told me about me. He knew my hidden talent he told me to embrace it, to let it out, to become who I truly was and to stop suppressing it. He told me about my abilities and that in fact it was gift from God or Jah as was his term for God. I sat back stunned not only did this man know my secret he thought it was a good thing. He did tell me I would use this gift to help people and that someday I would be famous for my ability and that I would not only write books but that a book would be written about me. Wow! I was after that point in my life on a mission to learn more about people like myself and exactly how this thing in me works.
Thus, began the search to learn more and more about my psychic ability’s and figure out just how I am supposed to use this talent. I went to psychic’s I read every book I could get my hands on (the internet was not really popular like it is now back then they were just beginning to get cell phones Lol…) I watched TV, the talk shows were just beginning to talk about Psychic’s anyone remember Sally Jessie, Phil Donahue, Jenny Jones? They had psychic performers on their shows long before Montel Williams even had a show although they still portrayed them as more of a carnival act, then the actual creditability they deserved; bringing them on at Halloween time and parading them around as a joke.
No one knew who Sylvia Brown even was then although I think of her as a pioneer for psychics. Back in the early 90’s people went to psychics but no one really talked about it and there were no paranormal shows on TV. I am sure in California it was more popular but in Michigan not so much. Lol… As the 90’s progressed psychic interest grew and thanks to people like Montel Williams for making it acceptable and to Sylvia Brown for her excellent books on the subject a girl from Michigan had some valuable research information to be able to come out of the closet and become who she really truly was meant to be.
Through my determination to learn my craft I met a ton of people where little by little I grew and developed my own ability’s and I practiced my talent on anyone and everyone I could. I did not charge then and I was not as bold as I am now I was hesitant to say what I really saw (mostly out of that fear thing and I did not want to offend anyone). Then one day I talked with a psychic friend of mine named Star who owned a local metaphysical bookstore, she told me I could not continue to give away my energy and that I had to charge and place value in myself to give strength and honor to my gift or I would run out of energy (which was pretty low at that point). She gave me my first part-time job in the psychic industry doing readings in her bookstore. I was timid at first and hesitant but I did need money I had three children and a shaky marriage at the time and even with my full time job in the corporate world it was still very difficult making ends meet.
I did my part-time job and I loved it when I was paid my energy and spirit recharged it is called exchange and it was awesome.
I became more confident in my ability and I pushed though my own fears and boldly said what I knew to be the truth whether or not it was what the customer wanted to hear they were paying me for what I know to be the truth not for what they wanted to hear. So I told the truth good, bad it is what it is. The exception was I added my own "Ty style" to the reading.
I have a genuine caring heart for my clients and my Ty style is that no matter what you have done or where you are in your life if you are headed towards something that may not be for your good I will help you to turn it around I will work with you to help you figure out a way to get you the best case scenario.
I’m not saying I can prevent anything, I think everyone has to go through tough times but sometimes it’s nice to have someone understand what you are going through who has been there, dealt with it and survived it. I have not always had such a great life and the customers God sends to me usually has something their dealing with that has happened in my life and I can help them to understand it. I believe that is why I have had some of the most insane adventures so that I would use that to help others survive. If you want to hear about those adventures you will have to buy the book that exchange thing you know.
Anyway, as luck would have it I ending up losing my day job in the corporate world. It was probably the best thing that ever happened to me because it allowed me to become who I am full time. Being fulfilled having my needs meet by using my God given gift to change lives and empower women and men to be who they truly are meant to be and to heal their emotional pain and move forward in their lives.
I help so many people all over the US and internationally and every year my business continues to grow and prosper. I do very little advertising and once you are a customer of mine you will come back. A lot of my business is repeat business and a ton of referrals.
I believe I help the people God sends to me. I do live by faith God has provided a way for me when there was no way so I try to honor Him by giving back. I do not believe what I do is evil I pray before my readings for God to guide my words and I tithe my money and I use the money to help not only myself but others. When you use your God given talent the right way you never really work a day in your life. I believe my gift if I did not have the spiritual side to it could be turned to the dark side but I do have this amazing faith and I am using my gift for good intention.
If you need me I’m here I will offer sage advice and encouragement to help you find your path. I have found mine and I have probably made all the mistakes you could possibly make. I have no judgment of anyone regardless of who you are what you’ve done or the mistakes you’ve made. I will do my best to uplift your spirit encourage you to keep going and will help to guide you to your destiny.
So to answer the original question you asked me my dear Amanda I was born with it. It truly is a gift from God himself.
I love you,
This is a personal moment I wrote about that happened in my life it really helped me to obtain a new perspective perhaps it will do the same for you....
She came to a moment of brokenness; what she found there was God. And He was enough…
The pain was all consuming it felt as if her heart was going to cave in. She sat perfectly still in the silence of the early morning thinking about the amount of pain one person could possibly endure.
There would be no recovery this time the damage had been done. All that would be left over would be the burning ashes of a silly dream of a life that could never really exist.
She did not pray asking God to rescue her for she did not wish to be rescued, she wanted to be broken, and she wanted to be redeemed. She wanted God to break her and remake her into something new and beautiful she wanted Him to create in her again.
Today she would rise like a phoenix out of the ashes of insanity that had consumed her for the past three years. Once she had made the decision to grab a hold of the ultimate life raft of God. The tide then shifted in her favor with love, faith, hope, belief and unbelievable peace flowing in abundance her way.
He had never left her side He followed her everywhere she went even to the depths of hell she could hear His voice calling for her. And when she reached her hand up to the healer He not only grabbed it He lifted her head, dried her tears, forgave her sins and once again sat her feet on solid ground.
He had made the decision to break and redeemed her so that he could remake her into something new and beautiful. He was making her ready for Him to create in her again and set her on His path to not only give her life but give it with such abundance that there would never be time for looking back over all the brokenness of her past because her future was bright with new promise.
And she realized…She came to a moment of brokenness; what she found there was God. And He was enough…
The Secrets to Finding Peace with Negativity
A miraculous transformation occurs when you realize that every experience is a doorway to the Divine. When you truly accept that all the traumas and dramas in your past are all opportunities to experience higher levels of compassion, you move light years ahead in consciousness. Yes, your soul has signed up to evolve in consciousness and springboard you into enlightenment. Every traumatic experience you’ve had in your life, your soul has purposely placed it there to open your heart and broaden your awareness.
This is a divinely intelligent Universe you’re living in and so there simply is no such thing as a “wrong” experience. Whatever painful memories you have in your past are there for only one purpose; to instigate a step towards a higher level of consciousness and transform your heart in the most profound way. Yes, every harsh experience in life contains a potentially enlightening epiphany within it. Everyone is given the exact experiences their soul needs to awaken from this Maya (dream world) and be completely liberated from the “karmic baggage” they’ve been dragging around for lifetimes.
Any situation that triggers you is a good pointer as to where you’re still enslaved on the big stage of life. When you repeatedly act out of fear, being defensive, judgmental or resistant you are missing the point. Each experience in life is your big opportunity to receive deeper love and healing. The very instant you notice a contracted feeling arising inside, choose to accept it and embrace it. Play the role of “accepting what is” and you’ll become free from getting snagged in any role. This is how you can heal yourself and truly be empowered in this life.
Emotional suffering is always self-inflicted when you look at the roots of its manifestation. When you realize you are 100% responsible for the limiting beliefs you have about the world, yourself and everyone in it, you are empowering yourself with the ability to change. This instigates a new compassion inside you and you spiritually start growing! For example, if you are blaming another person for “making you feel upset” about something, you first need to realize that nobody can “make you” feel anything you don’t want to feel. You can always choose to respond from the higher place of compassion and love.
"Only when you can understand yourself as All Pervading Consciousness can you possibly understand that the entire universe is an emanation of your mind. Everything that you see comes out of you." ~ Robert Adams
Every negative reaction you have is like an S.O.S. message the ego sends out as a desperate attempt to find healing. Look inside and notice right now if you’re carrying an emotional burden about something from the past. It may feel like a heavy weight, or an annoyance on your chest, a bit of fear, lack or limitation each time you think about it. Just feel it and let it go. Holding onto any sort of baggage can be hard to see, that is why we have 7 billion other mirrors on the planet. When that certain someone comes around (like mom, dad, or your sibling) who knows how to instantly push your buttons with one little comment, the burred pain rises to the surface to be fully revealed and seen. These beings are the ones who will help you transform from being a victim of your life, to the compassionate master of your life. The secret is having awareness of what limiting thoughts you’re still holding onto.
When you become emotionally responsible for your every experience then you cannot become a victim to life again. If someone can upset you it only means that this person is your teacher who is here to empower you to spiritually grow beyond your wildest imagination. The moment a potential painful comment is said, you instantly have the choice to take it on or let it go! The practice of choosing to either let things go or take them on is where you get your power back. When you can let people's defeating words glide right off your chest it, its the first step to self love and finding true inner peace within you.
Make time everyday to rest deeply inside your being. There is a place of deep compassion inside you where that can free your mind from any suffering instantly. This self loving habit can stop the mind and its addiction to drama and its karmic impulses. With self love you’ll be able to see, smell and feel the divine truth of who and what you are. You can see through the illusion of separateness and realize we are all one. This is where the inner battle ends and divine pure awareness begins. You then take center stage in your life and are liberated from ever becoming stuck in a performance where you’re playing out that old suffering scene once again.